Thursday 27 January 2011

Main Task Introduction

The genre of my magazine going to be hip-hop based. The reason why I have chosen hip hop is because my type of music is hip and I have some certainties and understanding of the hip-hop industry. The magazine will consist of a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. Before I start producing my magazine, I have to build my understanding and knowledge of hip hop magazine so I can know the type of items to include making it more effective.  To increase my knowledge of hip hop magazines, I have to do adequate research and carry out a Meta analysis of magazines so I can know the type layout, colours, pictures etc to use in my magazine. Planning is one of the most vital factors that I have to take into account for my magazine to become successful.  I have to create my magazine form scratch and start creating layout.

The following types of data that I’m going to be using are primary (from us) and secondary (data that has been changed by someone else from its original piece).  I will then create questionnaires for my clients to see what they expect to see in a hip hop magazine.  This will give me a great understanding of music magazines. I will also look into media theories such as rule of thirds and many more to see what kind of aspects they have concluded.

My abilities and strengths are sharing ideas and taking them into perspective to see what others think about it.  I will also have to be applying my skills to my planning since it’s the first step to becoming a successful magazine. I will also improve my skills in Photoshop because I’m going to become more familiar with it since my magazine is going to be made from here.  Improving my skills and knowledge will create a quality, attractive and meaningful magazine.

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