Wednesday 4 May 2011

Hypodermic Needle

The hypodermic needle theory is a suggestion declaring that media is brainwashing us with information that can be considerably wrong.  It also suggests that media gets into our conscious’s without giving the consumers any chance to challenge or process the data. As we are the audience, the media controls our behavior and thinking because we get manipulated by their texts.
As this theory was made round the 1920s, it might not as applicable as now because of the technology change that has happened over the past years.  This is why people don’t take really notice of it as most people now were brought up with media and its all around us.

This is an example of hypodermic needle.  Lil Wayne (subject) is a fan of tattoos as you can see in the image. This may give people the right to have a tattoo because a famous person has it. This shows that they are psychologically being brainwashed by media because what ever the media bring up, will affect everyone else because of the status difference and because they might a great fan of his music.

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