Thursday 5 May 2011

Preliminary Task

My preliminary task is to design a front cover of a magazine based on school. This task will let us have a clear identification of the improvement we have to overcome before our final magazine. I would like to achieve the key points that we had to include in our magazine so I can apply the skills in the future.  The requirements of this preliminary task are to take a picture which includes these key points:
·         Lighting
·         Background
·         Characters
·         Colours                                                                              Mis-en-scene
·         Costumes
·         Facial expression
·         Body language

True to my inspiration, I am going to achieve this goal and find out my weakness which will also get improved before the final piece.  Ideally, I have come up with a stressful situation where I take a picture of a person (Rahan) on a table with books piled up making it look stressful. This is my idea so far and I’m going to take it a step further. My target audience is going to be students (teenagers) who are interested progression and facilities of different schools. I have chosen this because they are most likely to be interested in these types of magazines. This magazine is going to be a standard magazine and professional. The purpose of this publication is to inform people about Heston Community School and how it deals with stress during exam periods. It depends where it gets distributed. If it gets distributed to schools then it would be more valuable and more likeable but if I get distributed to business, it would be worth much less. I would attract the audience by giving out leaflets, putting up billboards and many more. I will make sure I use colours which will stand out to attract audience.  Students will like to read my magazine because it informs them on how stress is like in other schools and if there strategy can help others in different schools.

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