Thursday 5 May 2011



Final Magazine Double Page

Final Magazine Contents Page

Final Magazine Front Cover

Photo shoot sample

Questionnaire Analysis



Questionnaire Planning

I have always thought about questions that I am going to be asking my audience so that I can find out what the audience would like me to include in my magazine.  I will be handing out questionnaires to my target audience as soon as possible but before I do that, I need to think of specific questions to ask them.  The questionnaire will contain basic question like these:

* If you buy hip hop magazines, do you buy magazines weekly, monthly or yearly?
* How old are you?
* If you had to make your own hip hop magazine, what would you include?
* What sexual category do you place yourself in?

These are only the basis of my questionnaire. I will go into more depth question in my actual magazine. This will make me get a clear review of what they would like on the magazine. This would my magazine successful and my target audience happy for what they are provided with. The most vital factor in magazines is the target audience. Without a target audience, you have no to appeal it to which would make your magazine lose its quality.

Double page Analysis 2

Double page Analysis

Contents page Analysis 2

Contents page Analysis 1

Type faces

Case study 2 - Glamour

Case study 1- Clash

Front cover analysis 2

Front cover analysis 1

Basic radial anlaysis

Basic radial analysis which i did just to give me an idea of how to analyse some magazines.

Flat plans

Here I have created two flat plans for my school magazine. These both flat plans symbolize the description of how my school magazine is going to look like. I have shown were I’m going to put my features, masthead etc to keep the house style the same through my magazine.  These flat plans will give me an insight how I’m going to start of designing my school magazine.

Shot types

Here I have different types of shots. Different shots are used in different types of genres for example, close up shots are usually used in horror films because it gives a clear description of the fearsome face.

School magazine

This is my school magazine that i created on photoshop. Its a pretty basic and not as complex as most magazine but it gives a brief idea of how a magazine works.

Colour scheme

When choosing colours, you have to an audience to appeal to it to. Various colours affect you psychologically and emotionally, for example the colour blue associates with happy and atmospheric sky and the earth whereas a colour like black refers to horror and nightmares. These colours are isolated but when brought together can distinguish different meaning to media production and can catch the audience attention.  Another example of isolated colours is white and red. White refers to clean and pure whereas red leads to aggression and violence. When these colours unite, the magazine will be more interesting and have a better meaning to the audience. I’m going to use this spectrum to come to a conclusion of what colours I’m going to use more efficiently than others and finalize my ideas for the final magazine.

Shooting Schedule

AS Media Studies – Heston Community School
Magazine production - planning
Stills Photography Shooting Schedule:

Date &
photo no.
Day or night:
Location or studio
Specify the location & write a one line description of the shot
Models, equipment mise-en-scene:
Costume, props, makeup, lighting, backgrounds etc.

Studio, medium close up
Stereotypical clothing for hip hop. Black ground because of the genre.

Alley way, close up
Black clothing and make up to make him look like hes from the ghetto.

Field, Wide shot
Bandana covering his mouth (enigma).

Under a tree, medium shot
Knife with blood on it (code). This shows he’s a serial killer. Happens in the thug life.

Park, long shot
Natural background. Hoddie with a bike.

Shed, medium shot
Hoodie with a bandana

House, close up
Hoddie with kitchen knife table

Studio, close up
Shades – to hide identity (enigma)

In the hood, medium shot
Hoodie and bandana

School, long shot
Smart clothing

Preliminary Task

My preliminary task is to design a front cover of a magazine based on school. This task will let us have a clear identification of the improvement we have to overcome before our final magazine. I would like to achieve the key points that we had to include in our magazine so I can apply the skills in the future.  The requirements of this preliminary task are to take a picture which includes these key points:
·         Lighting
·         Background
·         Characters
·         Colours                                                                              Mis-en-scene
·         Costumes
·         Facial expression
·         Body language

True to my inspiration, I am going to achieve this goal and find out my weakness which will also get improved before the final piece.  Ideally, I have come up with a stressful situation where I take a picture of a person (Rahan) on a table with books piled up making it look stressful. This is my idea so far and I’m going to take it a step further. My target audience is going to be students (teenagers) who are interested progression and facilities of different schools. I have chosen this because they are most likely to be interested in these types of magazines. This magazine is going to be a standard magazine and professional. The purpose of this publication is to inform people about Heston Community School and how it deals with stress during exam periods. It depends where it gets distributed. If it gets distributed to schools then it would be more valuable and more likeable but if I get distributed to business, it would be worth much less. I would attract the audience by giving out leaflets, putting up billboards and many more. I will make sure I use colours which will stand out to attract audience.  Students will like to read my magazine because it informs them on how stress is like in other schools and if there strategy can help others in different schools.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Codes and Conventions

I have carried out a Meta analysis of different types of hip hop magazines. I have recognized the codes and convention that must appear for the magazine to be a hip hop/ rap magazine.  One of the things that I realized was that most hip hop/ rap magazines always use certain colours such as red, white, black, grey etc. These are all conventions of the magazine. These colours all have different association but once brought together, have a whole different meaning. Another factor that I distinguished was that each magazine consists of a large main image. This is because they prefer giving meaning through the use of images instead of text and it’s also more attractive. Another reason why they use large images is because they always have an image of a celebrity which most people look up to.
All the contents page that I have analyzed have a dependable house style that goes through the whole magazine and other magazines. They also use navigation buttons like numbers that help us glance through pages. They also provide a small amount of text to prevent the reader of tediousness.
I also analyzed double page spreads in a magazine. I found out that there is a certain amount of images that can be used which most of the time is one (but the image must be fantastic to take upmost of the page). The layout is also another attention factor that most people get drawn into. Double page spreads also uses quotes so they can hear from the subject himself.
After my completion of Meta analysis, I have conducted that codes and conventions play a big role in magazines. They provide a big image and little text so they can allow the audience to think about the different meaning the image can provide but if they are stuck, they can get help from the text that is provided.

What is meant by the term “Rule of Thirds”?

The term Rule of Thirds is the way our eyes breaks down an image to thirds due to the way it’s been made and function. It splits the image into 9 equal boxes (3 horizontal and 3 vertical) to justify the image more clearly in an image, our eyes get drawn into the left side of the image. This is because our eyes feel more comfortable and it’s been design to focus on the left side of the image directly. 

Examples of rule of thirds

Above, I have two examples of Rule of Thirds. These two images clearly shows how the image its split into thirds. By using the Rule of Thirds, it forms and advantage for the photographers to catch the audience attention by getting their eyes drawn into the image (left to right). This is a very effective method to convey meaning to the audience because its creative and magnificent.

Hypodermic Needle

The hypodermic needle theory is a suggestion declaring that media is brainwashing us with information that can be considerably wrong.  It also suggests that media gets into our conscious’s without giving the consumers any chance to challenge or process the data. As we are the audience, the media controls our behavior and thinking because we get manipulated by their texts.
As this theory was made round the 1920s, it might not as applicable as now because of the technology change that has happened over the past years.  This is why people don’t take really notice of it as most people now were brought up with media and its all around us.

This is an example of hypodermic needle.  Lil Wayne (subject) is a fan of tattoos as you can see in the image. This may give people the right to have a tattoo because a famous person has it. This shows that they are psychologically being brainwashed by media because what ever the media bring up, will affect everyone else because of the status difference and because they might a great fan of his music.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Main Task Introduction

The genre of my magazine going to be hip-hop based. The reason why I have chosen hip hop is because my type of music is hip and I have some certainties and understanding of the hip-hop industry. The magazine will consist of a front cover, contents page and a double page spread. Before I start producing my magazine, I have to build my understanding and knowledge of hip hop magazine so I can know the type of items to include making it more effective.  To increase my knowledge of hip hop magazines, I have to do adequate research and carry out a Meta analysis of magazines so I can know the type layout, colours, pictures etc to use in my magazine. Planning is one of the most vital factors that I have to take into account for my magazine to become successful.  I have to create my magazine form scratch and start creating layout.

The following types of data that I’m going to be using are primary (from us) and secondary (data that has been changed by someone else from its original piece).  I will then create questionnaires for my clients to see what they expect to see in a hip hop magazine.  This will give me a great understanding of music magazines. I will also look into media theories such as rule of thirds and many more to see what kind of aspects they have concluded.

My abilities and strengths are sharing ideas and taking them into perspective to see what others think about it.  I will also have to be applying my skills to my planning since it’s the first step to becoming a successful magazine. I will also improve my skills in Photoshop because I’m going to become more familiar with it since my magazine is going to be made from here.  Improving my skills and knowledge will create a quality, attractive and meaningful magazine.